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PREreview of Stigma against Mental Illness and Mental Health: the role of Social Media

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In social psychology, prejudice is a negative attitude toward a person belonging to a specific social group or a condition that is assumed negatively influences interpersonal relationships. In social psychiatry, the term stigma refers to a set of negative factors associated with individuals with a mental disorder.related to mental health issues is prevalent in collective thinking, widespread, and difficult to modify. Common behaviours among people include fear of interacting with individuals with psychological issues due to their perceived unpredictability. Social media platforms play a powerful role in informing, raising awareness, and influencing public perceptions of mental disorders. On the one hand, they provide an unprecedented platform for sharing personal experiences, reducing stigma, and promoting mutual support among individuals facing similar challenges. On the other hand, there is a risk that these platforms can spread misleading information, harmful stereotypes, and sensationalistic or sanitized representations, negatively impacting both public perception and the well-being of affected individuals.

Keywords: Stigma, Mental Health; Mental illness; Social Media.

Competing interests

The authors declare that they have no competing interests.